Home The Best Cloud Storage Platforms To Save And Backup Your Files

The Best Cloud Storage Platforms To Save And Backup Your Files

online backup and storage system
By Zouani
01 Sep-2022

In a previous article, we mentioned one of the biggest problems thatcomputer users and even smartphones suffer from, which is viruses and thewrong deletion of files from the device.

And we mentioned the 3 best programs that will help you recover your deleted files from your device .

But not always, these programs will be able to recover all files, and youwill find that some files could not be recovered, and storing files on thedevice has become one of the things that may be a problem in the future.

One of the best solutions that will help you save your files forever isstoring them on cloud storage, where these services provide a file storageservice, providing all the protection features for your files from loss ortheft.

Therefore, in this article, we will help you to identify a group of the bestfile storage service providers on the Internet, and we will see what theywill offer us as a file storage service on the Internet.

Mega Drive Online Cloud Storage

mega drive cloud storage icone

One of the best online storage solutions that many prefer, but let’sbe honest with each other.

because of the problems that occurred with them previously, and due to somelegal problems with the founder of the company, it made some think about thesecurity of their files in mega nz storage.

But currently, you can rest assured in this regard, as Mega cloud hasimproved the security and privacy of users, by using zero-knowledgeencryption, which makes only the account holder the only one able to accesshis files.

In addition, Mega drive cloud storage relies on end-to-endencryptions to protect files 24/7, while providing private, personalencryption methods that you control, and that no party can access.

In addition to additional protection if you forget your account password,Megadisk cloud storage provides you with an account recovery key, which is afile with a personal code to recover your account and password.

And to increase account protection, the mega cloud server puts protection atyour fingertips with two-factor authentication, which is based on advancedalgorithms to protect the account from hacking.

Mega Web Storage offers many ways to transfer data, as it providesyou with the ability to install their software either on your computer or onsmart devices.

with the ability to install their cloud storage service via an add-on onbrowsers , without forget Mega official website.

Mega drive storage gives you a free plan of 20 GB of cloud storage, which isa very generous thing the site offers.

with other plans available to upgrade the account and space to get thelargest possible cloud storage with other features.

Many other plans are also available that you can review from the mega cloudstorage plans page.

Mega cloud Pro Lite

  • Plan starts at $4.99/Mo
  • You will get 400 GB of cloud storage
  • 1 TB Transfer

Mega cloud Pro

  • Plan starts at $9.99/Mo
  • You will get 2 TB of cloud storage
  • 2 TB Transfer

Mega cloud Pro II

  • Plan starts at $19.99/Mo
  • You will get 8 TB of cloud storage
  • 8 TB Transfer

Mega cloud Pro III

  • Plan starts at $29.99/Mo
  • You will get 16 TB of cloud storage
  • 16 TB Transfer

Cloud storage solutions from sync.com

Best Cloud Storage sync.com

cloud file server from sync.com is a cloud file storage site, and oneof its strict policies is to focus on security for its users, providinghighly secure encryptions, and many other advanced features.

All plans offered by sync.com have end-to-end encryption, whichgreatly helps to protect your data from being hacked or accessed in any way.

With Zero-Knowledge encryption, the customer is the only one able to accessand control their personal account.

One of sync.com cloud store’s policies is not to collect any customer data,and not to work with any companies that target people’s information.

Real-time data backup comes built into all plans, so in the future you won’thave to worry about accidentally deleting any important files on yourdevice, or getting hacked by ransomware.

sync.com cloud storage cost

Sync.com free plan

  • Free plan $0
  • You will get 5 GB of free data storage

Sync.com pro Solo Basic plan

  • Plan starts at $8/Mo
  • You will get 2 TB data storage
  • Availability of storage, synchronization, and real time
  • 180 days for file archives and recovery

More plans from Sync.com

private cloud storage for sync.com

Cloud storage providers from Dropbox

dropbox cloud storage icone

server cloud from Dropbox is one of the first providers of cloud storageservice that brought cloud storage service to the Internet, the company’sheadquarters is in the United States of America, specifically in SanFrancisco, California.

With the big names that have appeared, which providecloud storage service, Dropbox storage service has not been able tokeep pace with the great development in terms of services or featuresprovided by some companies.

There are also some worrisome things that may confuse you a bit, which isthat Dropbox has been exposed to many security breaches in the past.

one of which was the security breach in 2011, which led to the leakage ofmany files of their customers.

Also, one of the negatives that may increase the weakness of the Dropboxstorage site is its lack of backup storage for networks or external disks,unlike its competitors in the same industry.

But this does not mean that it is not considered one of the best cloudstorage solutions on the Internet.

and it is a very pioneer in this field because of the long experience it hasin providing cloud storage services.

Dropbox cloud save file takes user protection very seriously,supporting account protection via two-factor authentication, and many othersecurity encryptions.

Google Drive storage cloud

google one drive storage

If android or Google Workspace is part of your daily work, then choosingGoogle Drive cloud storage will be a logical decision for you, because theservice is provided by google company, it is very compatible with thoseplatforms perfectly.

Google Drive Storage offers you a good and inexpensive solution that ispacked with good features for backup and file sync, which is easy to use dueto its well-formatted user interface and easy to customize.

Google Drive space storage comes with companion apps like googleDocs, google sheets, Google Slides and google photos, where you can store,edit, view, and sync files via an integrated interface.

Google Drive unlimited storage is very good for businesses due to itssecurity, offering a comprehensive solution of encryption, zero-knowledgepolicy, and protection against malware, spam, and ransomware.

The only thing that could be a concern in terms of Google Drive synch cloud,is that its official headquarters is in the United States of America, whicheveryone knows is a country that is not privacy friendly.

Google Drive hosting cloud storage on Google servers, and as we knowgoogle is very generous in terms of the free features it offers, so you willget a Google cloud storage free plan with 15 GB space.

For Personal (No Fee) Business Standard9,36 $
Google Drive Google Drive Secure cloud storage

15 Go

2 To

Sharing with the target audience Remove Done
Shared drives for your team Remove Done
Google Docs Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms Content creation Done Done
Google Gmail


Secure email address



Personalized professional email address



Google Meet


Teleconferencing and videoconferencing

100 Users

150 Users

Meeting recordings saved to Drive



Administrations de sécurité

Admin console

Centralized administration



Group-based security rules



Microsoft Office cloud storage OneDrive

microsoft cloud onedrive

Just as I have Google Drive storage cloud integration with Androidplatforms and services provided by google, OneDrive cloud storage isintegrated with all Microsoft products.

Of course, it is available for other platforms, and we can use it forpersonal storage or shared collective storage.

But it gives the best performance and productivity with Microsoft services,the most important of which is with Windows, where it is a good solution forstorage instead of local storage.

It provides you with file storage by scanning through your device, where youcan use your phone to scan documents, receipts, business cards, and otherthings and store them on OneDrive.

One of the weak points of OneDrive cloud storage is its lack ofZero-Knowledge encryption, which means that your private data uploaded tothe cloud is visible to the company.

And again, the company is based in the United States of America, and thismay make you think before you put sensitive files on one of the servers ofMicrosoft or Google.

And the reason is, that your information is subject to legal control such asthe Freedoms Act.

In terms of pricing, OneDrive from microsoft offers a free 5 GB plan,with other plans available for extra space and other features that unlockwhen you sign up for Ajdod.com.

Apple iCloud cloud storage

Apple iCloud cloud storage for photos

All technology giants are adding assistance services to reach morecustomers, and Apple is not an exception, with many of its services alsoproviding cloud storage solutions through theiriCloud cloud storage service.

Apple’s ecosystem is literally the biggest, and if you use an Apple devicelike iPhone or macOS and want the best cloud data storage platform, yourfirst and best choice is iCloud cloud.

iCloud doesn’t come with a lot of special features, but it does offer thebasic things that are expected of any cloud storage platform, and it is easyto use especially with Apple devices.

With many paid plans provided by iCloud, you can get a free 5G plan forusers who want to try apple service for storing files and data.

ice drive cloud storage

ice drive cloud storage

ice drive cloud storage uses Twofish security algorithms, which muchinformation security experts and cryptographic designers agree are verysecure ciphers like AES 256 and more secure than AES / Rijndael.

In addition, ice drive cloud encrypts all files while they are uploaded tothe company’s cloud, and only decrypts them by the customer, to ensure thatno data is leaked during file transfer to the cloud.

Zero-Knowledge Encryption is available as a security solution, where onlythe customer can access or decrypt files, account passwords are encryptedand are not stored on iceDrive servers, and two-factor authentication isprovided.

ice Drive offers a variety of paid plans, but you will get a 10 GB freeplan, but don’t expect a lot of features with the free plan.

Read Full article :  icedrive cloud storage review-best safe and cheap cloud storage

pCloud cloud storage

cloud storage pcloud icone

Unlike sync.com, pCloud cloud operates in the same concept, providinggreat integration with most of the core systems, offering premium paid plansthat are satisfactory for everyone, with advanced features supported acrossall the plans it offers.

The free plan offered by pCloud cloud storage is 10 GB, which is a bitlimited in terms of features.

But this is normal because it is a free plan, so we recommend the paid planswhen you need to save any files in any service cloud storage in internet.

One of the features introduced by pCloud cloud is change file versioning,which allows you to restore old versions of your files, with an audio playerbuilt into pCloud cloud, which allows you to play music from pCloud clouddirectly.

For backup, pCloud cloud removes all the manual work for you, just you canselect the files or folders you want to store and pCloud cloud will do allthe work for you.

As for protection, it provides encryption of servers via AES 256bit, and youcan save files on multiple servers, while providing the encryption featureon the client side, but it does not contain the zero-defined encryptionfeature in all plans.

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