Home Best 3 Free VPN you can be used in 2025: Top Picks That Respect Your Privacy

Best 3 Free VPN you can be used in 2025: Top Picks That Respect Your Privacy

Best 3 Free VPN you can be used in 2022 | Top Picks That Respect Your Privacy
By Zouani
27 Oct-2022

Most people who do not have the ability to purchase andactivate software licenses on theInternet, including VPN software, may wonder why most people are interestedin paying for virtual networks when there is the possibility of obtainingthem for free.

Where you can get manyFree VPN software applications on thePlay Store and Apple Store for smartphones, and you can also get theprograms on desktop devices.

The reason for this is very logical, as most of thefree online vpn programs areinaccurate, as 75% of the free VPN programs have the same encoding code, andthis leaves plenty of room for dangerous hacking codes and viruses.

One of the most dangerous thing that makes free VPNs not good to use is thepossibility of hacking your privacy on the Internet, as it is very likelythat you will come across a VPN program or application that will literally destroy your life if you do not payattention to it.

But with all that we have said, you will ask me a question, How can I get afree and good VPN at the same time?

If you are looking for a free and at the same time excellent VPN software,then you should check out these quick tips.

  • A free vpn should have a privacy policy, and what they do with the data they get.
  • Some VPNs give you limited use of their software (only 200 or 500 MB per month), meaning you won’t be able to use it for a long time.
  • Good VPNs are audited and evaluated by third parties, while free VPNs do not get the same attention, so try to stay away from unknown software.
  • Avoid VPNs that use a lot of ads, because they take a lot of your internet usage data.

These tips may help you when choosing a VPN software, but to make it easierfor you, we will direct you to the 3best free VPN programs that you canuse with comfort.

# Hide me vpn

hide me vpn free download

We will start in our third place with hide me vpn, and the reason we put itin our list is that it has a very strict no-logging policy, as it is amember of the VTI Initiative and VPN Trust.

vti includes many trusted names in VPN services like ( NordVpn , PureVpn, IP Vanish, StrongVpn), and Hide.me is one of the few VPNsoutside the 14 Eyes Alliance list.

14 Eyes Alliance groups is based outside Malaysia, which means that it isnot obligated to notify government agencies of any activity within thecompany, as the privacy policies of Hide.me do not save any logs of users’online activities.

hide me app is based on AES 256 encryption standards, however, itsprotocol includes fast wire protection, soft ether protocols, and alsoincludes OpenVPN, enabling adaptability across multiple security needs.

With all these good options, why didn’t hide.me take the number one spot onour list.

The reason is simple, the free version of the program has many limitations,you will get 10 GB of browsing which is of course a good deal, but you willnot be able to access the live streaming services with the free plan.

With limited to one device per account, and five sites to connect to, youwill have to subscribe to one of the paid plans provided by the service, butthat is not the goal of this article.

For the free service that you will get, you do not have any complaints, anddo not forget that the program does not burden your device with anyadvertisements, or steal your information, as it is above average in termsof speed.

# Free windscribe vpn

windscribe free 20gb

In our second option, we recommend Robert windscribe , as it will provide you with a save no-logs vpn, through its strictprivacy policy, and it also includes support for all major protocols such as(windscribe WireGuard, OpenVPN, ikev2).

You will be able to run Windscribe VPN on all devices and browsers, whereyou will be able to get a free plan that is renewed every month with an areaof ​​10 GB, with the ability to run the plan on multi devices.

In the free plan of windscribe, you will get access to one free server thathas eight sites to connect to, and it also doesn’t prevent you fromaccessing streaming services, making it an excellent free option.

As for the privacy policy, even if the site makes big promises about thestrong privacy policy it offers, this will not prevent the country in whichit is located, which is Canada, from requiring the company to obtain userdata for security reasons.

Canada is a member of the Five Eyes Alliance, which means that windscribe ismore likely to be required to cooperate with government agencies in thecountry it is in, and in terms of data encryption, it supports stronger dataencryption methods to protect its users.

The company uses encryption methods that rely on AES 256 and puffer fishencryption, and many methods of encrypting data and user accounts, and forinformation, Windscribe relies on encryption protocols at the militarylevel.

# ProtonVPN free

protonvpn openvpn

We’ve come to the first place, since two years before this article waswritten, ProtonVPN has done a thorough security audit of its platformand is even publishing its source code.

This means that global security experts can scrutinize data thoroughly, andthis gives ProtonVPN platform good credibility and security, and it will getpositive reviews from critics’ ways in the industry.

ProtonVPN is also an employee-owned company based in Switzerland, whichcooperates with the Five Eyes Alliance, but is not an official partner, andthe service also offers log-free browsing or storage of users’ data.

The free version of ProtonVPN provides access to 24 servers in threecountries around the world.

Where you can run the free version on only one device, and you will get allthe security needed when you use the free service from ProtonVPN.

But you won’t be able to use it for live streaming or torrentdownloads without subscribing to one of the paid plans.

ProtonVPN has WireGuard support, which includes AES-256 andchacha20 encryption, and given that the company’s source code ispublic, it contains military-grade encryption.

ProtonVPN does not burden your device with any ads, you will have a verysmooth connection, but at some point, you will have to sign up for one ofthe paid plans, which I recommend, which will unlock other advancedfeatures.

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