Home pCloud Drive Cloud Storage Review – Is It Really Best Service Cloud Storage?

pCloud Drive Cloud Storage Review – Is It Really Best Service Cloud Storage?

pCloud Drive Cloud Storage Review
By Zouani
30 Sep-2022

Many users on the Internet have praised the quality ofpCloud’s cloud storage services, is it really as they say? Are thesecurity and privacy features offered by pCloud enough to protect my privatefiles and data ? And Are their prices satisfactory?

We will try to dig deeper into this article to review the pCloud cloudstorage platform.

And we will see if it lives up to all the compliments it gets, and are thesecurity features really good, and then we will get to know the prices ofthe plans that pCloud offers to its users.

Until recently, storage for hard drive was the most common and most reliablefor storing files.

But with the development of technology, many practices in terms of data andfile storage have changed, and cloud storage services have dominated thestorage arena.

It is not surprising that show up many companies provide cloud storageservices, because they have demonstrated a great ability to preserve andprotect data.

While providing advanced features to satisfy their customers, and there hasbecome a very fierce competition among them.

Because of the risks that have accompanied the development of technology,such as piracy, file theft and ransomware, antivirus programs are delaying in giving quick responses to combat these security risks.

Therefore, turning to cloud storage has become one of the good solutions forstoring important data.

Because it has shown a great ability to protect files and data from beingstolen or damaged, with the ability to access this data from anywhere.

In the pCloud review article, we will focus on the 6 most importantfactors that determine whether pCloud storage is really the best.

And we will try to dig a little deeper into all the features that pCloudstorage cloud has to offer.

pcloud locked storage

In the first factor we will focus on the features, as we will focus on thebasic and advanced features of the pCloud cloud storage service.

The second factor will focus on security, and because it is a cloud serviceprovider on the Internet, it must be designed to protect data and usersinformation, and advanced defenses must be provided against intrusion,hacking, or theft.

In the third factor we will focus on privacy, which in some countries isconsidered a fictitious right, in which laws of the right to be tracked areenacted by law in order to protect the country from any security breaches,which companies are obliged to implement.

The basic interface, which is one of the necessary factors for the successof any service, because the service that is easy to deal with is thepreferred service for the users.

Any service on the Internet needs to provide a support team, so we mustfocus on pCloud support service if is best service.

Here it is determined whether the service is useful to me or not, as theprice and plans offered are what make customers happy or angry with theservice, so we should take a look at pCloud prices, and is it affordable foreveryone.

Features available from pCloud cloud storage

pCloud is a very powerful service, and it provides all the features thatusers require from a cloud storage platform.

And one of those features is the automatic syncing of files, with all thechanges applied across all the devices connected to the account.

With the feature to identify and read or restore old files format using fileversions.

With the ability to save all file changes for a period of up to 365 days,with the ability to restore them after modification or deletion throughExtended File History (HPF).

Managing private media is one of the most important features onpCloud, as this tool enables you to compress media and resize it without theneed for external sites or programs.

In addition to that pCloud is just as efficient with other sites in terms ofresizing files or sharing file.

The media management feature enables you to share your files with your teammembers or anyone you want to give them one of your files.

With the ability to upload any file size because pCloud does not impose anylimits when it comes to file size.

Unlimited file size limits is very useful for designers, photographers, filmmakers and creators who always work with large files, so creators can uploadHD videos or photos to pCloud without worry.

pCloud also allows you to upload photos in Raw format, which is a moreuseful feature for photographers who, like to keep their photos in thehighest quality when sharing them on the Internet, or re-editing them again.

In addition to the ability to preview photo them directly from pCloud.

pCloud allows people to transfer their files from other cloud storage sites,such as Google Drive cloud, Dropbox, OneDrive, iceDrive, and many otherplatforms.

One of the good features of pCloud is the virtual drive, which acts as anoriginal hard drive without consuming your device’s disk space.

Through the browser extension , you can upload any image to pCloud with one click, all you have to do isgo to the image, then click the right mouse button, and you will find theoption to save in pCloud.

Security and protection in pCloud

pCloud performs great when it comes to security, as it boasts many securityfeatures, and gives it all the priorities in terms of protecting customers’account and protecting their files from any technical issue.

For maximum protection, pCloud transfers all data using reliableTLS/SSL encryption, and secures all files with AES 256Bit encryption, bothin storage and during data transfer.

According to the company’s statements, an independent cybersecurity companyhas audited the server-side encryption.

But this claim cannot be confirmed, and the reason is that no accurateresults have been obtained yet, but if this is true, it increases thecompany’s credibility in terms of security.

And to further side talk, pCloud has in the past offered a generous $100Kbounty to anyone who can hack their servers.

pCloud Drive Cloud Storage Review - Is it really Best Service Cloud Storage?

But no one has been able to do so for 6 months, which is a very bold move bythe company.

pCloud also offers end-to-end encryption of their data, but this feature isnot available in the free plan, so if you are planning to put sensitivefiles in pCloud servers make sure you are vulnerable to hacking.

zero-knowledge encryption is available as one of the file encryptionmethods, no third party, even the company itself, will be able to accessyour account or files, in addition to multi-layer protection and passwordprotection.


pCloud is a company based in Switzerland, and as we know, Switzerland is acountry where there are no mandatory data retention laws or regulations.

Which means that users will be very confident that their data is not spiedon by anyone or pCloud company.

But for users who use the free plan from pCloud, they will not get anysecurity on their data or files, so the paid plans are recommended, becausethey will provide you with the highest levels of security and protection.

When you are a new subscriber on pCloud, the company will ask you to choosewhere to store your data.

And of course there will be various flaws between these servers, so you haveto be careful about this aspect during your choice.

For example, the European Luxembourg Center comes with TLS/SLL datatransfers and SSAE 16 SOC2 Type II certification, meanwhile the US Centercomes with the ability to read your data by the US government.

Therefore, it is recommended to use the Crypto feature as an existingcustomer so that the company itself can’t access any of your data.

User interface and method of use

Everyone who has tried the pCloud cloud storage service agrees, that itoffers a good user interface and is fairly easy to use.

As it supports many platforms such as Windows, Mac and smartphones, andsupport browsers as an additional extension.

The pCloud interface is very similar to the iceDrive interface in terms of shape and design.

pCloud Drive Cloud Storage Review - Is it really Best Service Cloud Storage?

Where the user interface is divided into two parts, on the left is the menubar, which contains links for navigation between properties, and the middlepart is for files uploaded by the client.

You can sync or backup your files through the application installed on yourdevice, with the virtual disk that enables you to access your files directlywithout having to go to the official website.

pCloud plans price

pCloud offers a free plan initially with a capacity of 4 GB, but youcan expand it to 10Gb if you verify the email of the account you areregistered with.

With the possibility of increasing the space even more if you invite otherpeople to sign up for the service.

For the paid plans, pCloud offers you two types of subscriptions, an annualsubscription and a lifetime subscription.

pCloud Annual Subscribe

On the annual subscription, you can choose between one of the two plans, thePremium 500 Go, which starts at $49.99 with a 17% discount, where you willget 500 GB of storage space.

The second plan is Premium Plus 2 TO, which starts at $99.99, with a 17%discount, and you’ll get up to 2To storage space.

pCloud Lifetime Subscribe

For the lifetime plan, pCloud provides you with three plans, where the firstplan starts at $175 with a discount of up to 65%, and storage space of up to500 GB.

The second plan, called Premium Plus, starts at $350, with a discount of$64, and you’ll get 2 To.

The third plan, called Forfeit Personalize, starts at $990, with an 80%discount off the original service price, and you’ll get 10 Tons of storagespace.

But if you want bigger plans than the previous plans, you will find otheroptions of plans, which are:

pCloud family plan

With a 64% discount, starting at $500, you’ll be able to get storage spaceup to 2To for lifetimes, with possibility to get storage space of 10 To for$1390 for life.

pCloud Business plan

You will find the prices and the space are variable, depending on the typeof institution and the members who work in the institution, so there areoptions for ordering according to need.

pCloud Technical Support

pCloud has won the praise for many advanced features, or in terms ofsecurity and privacy, but technical support is not among them.

This company, despite making great efforts in terms of security features andadvanced features, technical support was not among them.

One of the reasons for the poor technical support in pCloud is the lack oflive chat, where if you want to contact technical support directly, you willnot find a way to do so.

And the only option available is to communicate by phone, through a Swissnumber ، Where works In normal hours in their home country, so somecustomers in other countries may find it inconvenient due to the timedifference.

The most useful way to contact pCloud support is by email, but we willdisappoint your hopes, as it may take a few hours or days to get a response.

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