Home Is it Still Safe to Use Kaspersky Antivirus in 2024 ? Find Out Now!

Is it Still Safe to Use Kaspersky Antivirus in 2024 ? Find Out Now!

is it still Kaspersky Antivirus Safe To use in 2033?
By Zouani
16 Mar-2023

We have all heard about the war that is currently taking place in Ukraine,and it is a pity that people are killing each other, and regardless of whichside you are on, it is very important that we ask ourselves importantquestions when it comes to our personal security while using the Internet.

The war in Ukraine has caused many negative fluctuations across manyindustries around the world, and even digital protection and cybersecurityhas been affected by this, as all digital products and software owned by thestate of Russia have been put under comprehensive security scrutiny.


Kaspersky Internet Security is one of the programs that has been placed undersecurity review, due to its connection to Russia, so this article will be areview of Kaspersky, and a look at whether the program is still safe to use ornot.

What is Kaspersky?

Kaspersky Total Security is a cybersecurity and protection company thatprovides antivirus, endpoint protection and other security solutions tobusinesses and consumers.

The company was founded in 1997 by Eugene Kaspersky, and is headquartered inMoscow, Russia.

Kaspersky Security is known for its award-winning antivirus software, whichhas been recognized by independent laboratories for its effectiveness indetecting and removing malware.

In addition to antivirus software, Kaspersky also offers a range of othersecurity solutions, such as firewalls, anti-spam software, mobile securitytools and Kaspersky password manager, to protect against cyber threats.

What made Kaspersky so good in the beginning?

Throughout Kaspersky Lab’s history, it has maintained high scores duringAV-TEST tests, and many reviewers and testers simply consider Kasperskysoftware to be one of the best antivirus software out there today.

Of course, AV-TEST’s independent tests do not reflect the user’s actualexperience while using the software on their device, but Kaspersky is reallyas good as it is when it comes to protecting against any potential securitythreats.

Kaspersky antivirus has a total score of 9.7/10 from four separateindependent labs, and the only antivirus that beats it is Bitdefender, whichgets a 9.9/10 rating.

Well, you might say that the results we get from the evaluation laboratoriesare not everything, but the user experience ratings for Kaspersky Protectionwere good and sometimes excellent.

Kaspersky’s products offer an excellent and positive response, always alertingyou about any Security threats, are easy to use and have some great securityfeatures such as a custom keyboard that protects against programs orwebsites that log your keyboard.

Among the reasons that made the program so good at performing its task:

  • Innovative technology: Kaspersky was one of the first companies to use behavior-based detection methods to identify and block malware, allowing the program to detect new and emerging threats that other antivirus programs might have missed.
  • Experience and expertise: Kaspersky’s founders had a background in computer science and cryptography, which gave them a deep understanding of how viruses and malware work, and enabled them to develop a good protect tool.
  • Rapid response to emerging threats: Kaspersky is known for quickly responding to new and emerging cyber threats, often releasing updates and patches for its software within hours of detecting a new threat.
  • Partnership with law enforcement: Kaspersky has worked closely with law enforcement agencies around the world to help combat cybercrime, helping to build trust and credibility with customers.

Overall, Kaspersky’s focus on innovative technology, expertise andexperience, rapid response to threats, and cooperation with law enforcementauthorities contributed to its success in its early years.

Why is it Kaspersky being so heavily scrutinized?

Due to the current political situation in Russia, Kaspersky Antimalware andmany other Russian entities are under intense scrutiny, and many companieshave already pulled out of Russia to support Ukraine.

It makes sense that any Russian conglomerate or product should be treatedwith extreme caution, as Eugene Kaspersky is a Russian citizen and thesoftware is named after him.

Of course, the software was developed in Russia, and although the companyhas become a global entity, this is not the first time it has come underfire.

In 2019, the Federal Acquisition Regulatory Board, which is responsible forregulating the acquisition of services or products, established a policythat prohibited all federal agencies from using any Kaspersky products.

In 2017, reports emerged that Kaspersky Lab, a Moscow-based cybersecuritycompany, might be involved in an international espionage case.

The allegations were made by US intelligence officials, who alleged that theRussian government used Kaspersky Lab software to spy on US intelligenceagencies.

The US government subsequently banned the use of Kaspersky Lab software atall federal agencies, citing concerns about possible links to Russianintelligence.

In addition, several other countries have taken steps to restrict orprohibit the use of Kaspersky Lab software.

Kaspersky Lab has denied these allegations and stated that it has neverengaged in any inappropriate or malicious behavior.

The company asserted that it has no ties to the Russian government or anyother government, and that its software is designed to protect users’computers from malware and cyberattacks.

However, the accusations affected Kaspersky Lab’s reputation and business.

The company faced a significant drop in sales and had to lay off employeesin some areas.

In response, Kaspersky Lab launched the Transparency Initiative to addressconcerns about its software and restore the trust of its customers and thecybersecurity community.

As of 2021, Kaspersky Lab continues to operate as a cybersecurity company,but its reputation has been tarnished by allegations of espionage.

Is it still safe to use Kaspersky Antivirus?

Well, we mentioned previously some of the problems that Kaspersky hadpreviously, but this is not fair if we say that the program is notconsidered one of the best protection programs in the market, and it isstill one of the best protection applications against viruses and malware sofar.

It is being on the market for more than 20 years, trusted by millions ofusers worldwide, and has received numerous awards over the years, includingseveral positive reviews from independent testing organizations such asAV-Comparatives and AV-TEST.

It is up to each individual to decide if they are comfortable usingKaspersky antivirus software given these concerns, and it is always a goodidea to do your own research, read reviews and consult with cybersecurityexperts before choosing any antivirus solution. 

What does say the AV-TEST about Kaspersky?

AV-TEST is an independent organization that tests and rates antivirus software based on various criteria such as protection, performance, and easeof use.

According to the latest AV-TEST results published in February 2022,Kaspersky Internet Security, the consumer version of Kaspersky antivirus,received a score of 6/6 in all three categories.

This indicates that Kaspersky provides excellent protection against malware,does not significantly slow down the system, and has an easy-to-useinterface.

Kaspersky has performed consistently well in AV-TEST ratings over the yearsand has received numerous awards and certifications from the organization.

The program is still recommended by many trusted technology and softwarereviewers, and it’s not hard to see why, as the program provides powerfulsecurity features such as powerful camera and firewall protection inaddition to the built-in keyboard.

Well, to make it easier for you, we will mention some of the advantages anddisadvantages of the program:


  • High ratings by antivirus software evaluation laboratories
  • High protection against viruses and malware
  • Robust firewall
  • Support for all platforms (smartphones, computers)
  • First class exploit detected
  • Protect your webcam and microphone


  • It consumes a lot of memory, which may affect performance
  • There is no guarantee that it is not a security threat

What is Kaspersky alternative?

There are several alternative antivirus software options available,depending on your specific needs and preferences. Here are some of the mostpopular alternatives to Kaspersky:

  • Norton Antivirus: Developed by NortonLifeLock, Norton Antivirus is a comprehensive security solution that provides protection against various types of malware, including viruses, spyware, and ransomware.
  • Bitdefender Antivirus: Bitdefender is a well-regarded antivirus solution that offers advanced features such as anti-phishing, anti-fraud, and anti-spam filters, along with traditional malware protection.
  • Avast Antivirus: Avast is a popular antivirus solution that provides real-time protection against viruses, malware, and other cyber threats. It also includes a range of additional security features such as a firewall and VPN.
  • McAfee Antivirus: McAfee is a well-known name in the antivirus industry, offering comprehensive malware protection along with advanced features such as password management and online identity protection.

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