Home Download From Torrent Safely by Following This Safe Torrent Guide

Download From Torrent Safely by Following This Safe Torrent Guide

Download From Torrent Safely and Anonymously by following these instructions
By Zouani
19 Jan-2023

The question that always comes up regarding Torrent:

Is torrent legal?

The short answer is no, torrent downloading is illegal and immoral, and thereason that torrent is not legal is that the content downloaded via torrentis copyrighted.

But if you don’t care, you must follow some necessary steps and advice whiledownloading any content via Torrent, in order to avoid any legal problems inyour country that prevent theft of content, and protect your devices fromany malware while downloading file torrent anonymously.

What is Torrenting?

Torrent is a way to download files from the BitTorrent network, unlikedownloading via regular links, downloading from Torrent is done by fetchingfiles from other users who have the same file you want to download.

Those users who own the same file known as providers complement each otherto enhance the download speed and reliability while downloading the file, soto download torrent files you need a safe torrent application and a safeplace to download torrents file to start the download process.

Why should I protect myself while downloading via torrent?

Do you remember The pirate bay torrent? One of the most popular free torrentdownload sites, in 2009 they were taken to court for illegal activities thatled to the seizure of 186 of their servers, In addition to legal coststotaling $3.5M.

Why is this important to you? — Because The users’ data is on these serversthat have been confiscated by the court.

Other than account data for users, your computer pings the server during atorrent download, and will detect any data being made as a round-triprequest, including:

  • Your device’s IP
  • Your current location
  • Your service provider
  • The file you want to download
  • Additional information…

So you have to be careful during the downloading process and take someprecautions to avoid any legal issues in the future.

What is a torrent client? And how does it work?

A torrent client is a program that helps you download torrent files on yourcomputer, and it is considered the safest way to download torrents, as itautomatically recognizes the extension of torrent files, which are named’Example.torrent’.

The program or application is a link between people who download the samefile that you want to download, and they, in turn, carry out the sameprocess to download this file, so the larger the number of people whodownload the file, the faster when download file.

What is the safest way to torrent download a file?

If you want to download a torrent safely through a torrent downloader, thebest way to protect yourself is to install a VPN on your device, as there are many VPN apps dedicated to downloading torrentssafely.

One such service that I recommend is NordVpn, which is much safer whiledownloading torrents, as it provides private servers designed explicitly fordownloading torrenting anonymously.

When you use the Torrent app with NordVpn’s Torrent Download Protectionenabled, it will create an encrypted tunnel, meaning that even if you’rebeing tracked, no one can know what you’re downloading without decryptingthe files as they’re being sent.

NordVPN uses AES-256 GCM encryptions, so the chance of any tracking or detection ofyour identity is next to impossible, so it is recommended to use a VPN asthe best solution while downloading via torrent programs.

So, you cannot download a file from a torrent safely without a vpn. If youfeel that you have been tracked after downloading a torrent file from a sitewithout using a VPN, you must clear all the cache of the browser you areusing to avoid any other data leakage.

NordVPN provides servers dedicated to torrent downloading, which areseparate from the normal servers, so you will find that the protection onthese servers is specific to the conditions of torrent downloading.

Other VPN providers such as Surfshark and ExpressVPN also support servers dedicated to torrenting, so if you are unsure that your VPN client does not support secure encryption while downloading from Torrent, youshould ask them immediately.

What is the safest torrent downloading software?

The torrent client recognizes torrent files by its extension (.torrent),which sometimes does not exceed 1 MB in size, and after adding it to thedownload program, it will start the download process to your device.

One of the best safe torrent software that receives a lot of downloads andusage is uTorrent, it is a very light program, supports various existingsystems, and provides a free version, in addition to the paid version thatsupports virus scanning and VPN support.

BitTorrent is the original torrent manager client that supports more than 2billion users, which supports the unique BTT encryption, Which allows usersto be anonymous while downloading.

Deluge, an open source torrent client that has many free and highlycustomizable plugins.

Free Download Manager program, which I prefer a lot during downloading fromtorrent, as it supports direct download of files from direct links, inaddition to supporting the ability to download via torrent files.

How can I find safe torrent file?

When searching for safe torrent files, you should ask yourself two veryimportant questions:

  • Is the site from which I will download the file trustworthy?
  • Is the file I will upload safe?

So to find a trustworthy site you need to focus on those that have somegeneral appreciation from users, check out sites like Reddit or Quora, whereyou will find many questions and answers about the best safe torrent sites.

If torrent website good and safe will allow including a place for commentsand ratings, and this indicates that they have a strong, because thecomments will give you a general view of whether the site and the files itoffers are safe to download or not.

From the best safe torrenting sites that we can recommend that have a verystrong community out there, (RARBg , 1337x , Torrentz), you will notice thatthese sites do not have a long shelf life due to questionable activities.

However, even if we recommend these sites, this does not mean that youdownload any files from them without using a VPN program , so protect yourself before entering or downloading from an illegal site.

Well, regarding whether the file that you will download is safe or not, thebest way to make sure of that is through other users.
If you notice anynegative comment about the file, do not risk downloading it to your device.

In addition, delete the download file from the download program after thedownload is finished.

Although this activity is not liked by members of the BitTorrent communityand is called leeching, it is useful for increasing security.
Avoiddownloading unnecessary files during the download, because they may containharmful viruses.

Torrent download programs provide you with the ability to choose only thefiles you want to download, in addition to scanning the file with an antivirus program after downloading it.

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