Home 10 very important rules to stay your computer safe

10 very important rules to stay your computer safe

10 very important rules to stay your computer safe
By Zouani
25 Dec-2022

The computer has become an essential part of our daily life, and most of ourdaily work has become based on it.

Whether you are a student or a worker in a public or private company, or youuse it in your home, you will need a computer in some way to perform aspecific task on it.

Dealing with the computer is a science like any other science, so it takesme some time to say that I am an expert in the computer.

and many institutions or courses on the Internet provide many explanationsabout how to deal with the computer, whether in daily life or at work.

Over the course of your use of the computer in your daily life, you willencounter many problems, whether it is technical from the computer itself orin the system, and this is due to several reasons that may make yourcomputer fail to perform its task.

These problems are also considered future solutions so that you do not fallinto the same problem again .

I personally as a computer user, and with all the years that I have used mycomputer, I have faced many problems that made me lose a lot of importantdata due to a problem that I was ignorant of.

But all of these problems became a way to avoid it from happening again onany other device I own.

The computer as a device must be treated with special treatment, andtherefore you have to set some basic rules while dealing with your computer,which will avoid you many problems in the future.

In this article I will mention to you the top 10 basic rules that you mustfollow while using your computer to safe him from any problem in the future.

Do not use the same password while registering on the sites

Many people register on sites with the same password that they have, andmany times they see that this password is easy for them to memorize.

As it may be their password is date of birth, or a special number that isimpossible for them to forget quickly.

Unfortunately, this is a very dangerous thing, and this is due to the factthat some sites have weak protection and can be hacked and all their datamay be leaked.

This problem has occurred in many sites that have been hacked and all theircustomers’ data has been leaked, even though those sites are well protected.

This means that if you are a customer of a website that has been hacked andall of their customer data has been leaked, in addition to using your samepassword on many other websites, the possibility that other accounts ofyours will be accessed is very likely.

Therefore, it is recommended that different passwords be used for eachaccount or site that you want to register in, and this reduces thepossibility of accessing other accounts if one of your accounts is hacked.

One of the recommended ways to manage passwords is to use one of theprograms to organize and save passwords, such as the Password managerprogram, or from the chrome password manager.

Take a backup of your important files

As long as your computer is connected to the Internet, it is always exposedto viruses and, in the worst case, to hacking, which may make you lose all yourimportant files from your device, or they will be encrypted, and you willnot be able to access them.

Even if your device is not exposed to a virus problem, all components of thecomputer have a default life, including the hard disk of the device, as itis subject to damage or becomes slow during operation and many problems thatoccur to it.

So, if you have important files, study projects, or photos of any sensitivefile that you do not want to lose, you must make a backup copy of thesefiles and store them in a safe place.

You have many ways to save and back up files, such as transferring them toan external hard drive, or using a cloud storage service such as pCloud , or iceDrive cloud storage service, or any services that offer the same feature.

Avoid connecting to free wifi networks in public places

Free wifi network s, especially in public places such as hotels or cafés, are vulnerable tohacking and piracy, as once you connect to one of the free public wifinetworks, your device will become connected to one network that anyone canaccess.

any hacker who is connected to public wifi network with you will have accessto all your files on your device, and you can imagine what he can do to yourdevice, and if this happens, you will not be able to protect your device in time.

Well, in the event that one day you had to connect to one of these freenetworks through your computer, check to activate the feature to prevent file sharing from your device settings or access to your device through the rest of thedevices connected to the same network.

And as a last tip, avoid accessing any sensitive websites that contain yourprivate information, such as your bank account or any social network, toavoid having your personal data stolen.

Update of the operating system and installed programs

Whether you are using a macOS, windows, or Linux operating system, you mustupdate the system when any update is available from the company, as theseupdates solve many problems that were present in the system or add newfeatures.

One of the benefits of updates is to fill the gaps in the system, throughwhich any hacker may be able to access users’ devices, and in many casesthese updates act as a protective shield from any viruses or dangerousprograms that would hit the system in the future.

For people who are still using old systems for which support has beendiscontinued such as Windows 7 or windos XP, literally make sure that youare vulnerable to hacking at any time, and you will not be able to avoidthis from happening due to the discontinuation of support for these systems.

This also affects the programs installed on the device, as the frequentupdates of the programs will solve problems that were in the old version ofthe programs, and this may lead to an increase in the performance of theprogram, and it becomes more flexible during use, in addition to addingother features to increase productivity.

Restart the device once a week

You may be surprised, but 20% of the problems that occur in the computer canbe solved when you restart the device, as many people, and I am one of them,do not shutdown my computer while I finish working on it.

Restarting the device is completely different from shutdown, as when youmake a shutdown for the device, it will keep all the programs, files, andwork that you have done on the memory of the device, and when you run thedevice, you will be able to access it quickly.

Although this feature is good and useful, with the passage of time and theaccumulation of files, the performance of the device will decrease a lot.

But when you restart the device, it will get rid of all the files saved inthe memory and delete them, which makes the device not reach a state ofsuffocation in performance.

Therefore, it is advised to restart the device every time or once a week,and this will extend the life of the device, and make it provide all thenecessary power while working on it.v

Use a good antivirus program to protect your device

All known operating systems provide, with their systems, ways to protectdevices, but this is really not enough, as due to the development oftechnology in a positive direction, some parties decided to use itnegatively, which made them pose a threat to people’s privacy.

Viruses and malware are one of the common ways that hackers use to gainaccess to other devices and steal their data.

Even with the strong protection provided by operating systems, they havefound other ways to infiltrate people’s devices and steal their data.

Therefore, there was a need for a second firewall to protect the device,which is known as antivirus software, which is the best way to protectagainst any security threat that may occur while using your device.

There are a lot of free antivirus programs , but we always recommend avoiding any free programs when it comes toprivacy, and it is preferable to use paid antivirus programs because theyoffer all the advanced features that are not found in the paid versions.

We have discussed in many articles the best antivirus programs on the Internet, and as a quick tip, it is preferable to try Norton Antivirus or Bitdefender , which have achieved great praise from users in protecting againstmalware.

Take care of cleaning and ventilation of the computer

Whether you use a desktop computer or a laptop computer, one of the mostimportant factors that make it provide the best efficiency during use istaking care of the internal components of the device, and like any otherdevice that runs on electricity, it produces heat, and this is normal.

Cleaning the device every time or maintaining it will make it alwaysmaintain the continuity of its work, so it is always recommended that thecomputer be opened once every 6 months and a thorough cleaning processshould be done for it, and of course we mean the accumulation of dust on theinternal parts of the device, especially the cooling fans.

This process will help your device to get good ventilation for the internalcomponents, and make it provide all the capabilities that it can offer, andof course if you upgrade the internal parts to new ones, you will ensurethat your device continues to work for a very long time.

Search for the problems you face on the device on the Internet

If you have a problem with your computer, do not rush to take it to aspecialized repairer, because even 80% of the problems that happen to thedevice are solved on the Internet, because that problem has happened tosomeone else before, and he shared his experience on the Internet.

so, search on Google for your problem as a first solution, as thissolution is recommended when the problem is in the system, but if you aresure that the problem is in the internal parts of the device, then take yourdevice to an authorized repairer to fix it.

Avoid using pirated software or cracks

Far from the fact that pirated programs are considered stolen programs andencroaching on the ownership of their owners, make sure that the people whobreak the protection of programs and provide them for free on the Internetso that you can run them on your device for free, that they are not doing soto serve the community.

Pirated or cracked software is the best shelter for viruses and malware, andmany people when they talk about their stories when their data was stolen,they say that it happened because they installed pirated software on theirdevice.

In the best case, you will notice pop-up ads on your device, and in theworst case, all your data will be stolen or encrypted, and the reason is apirated program, so it is recommended to search forfree alternative programs and stay away from pirated programscompletely.

Check USB or flash Memory before using it

Make sure to thoroughly scan the connected external devices on your devicebefore opening them.

Even if you are confident that the external extension is reliable, it is agood idea to remove the possibility of any viruses present on those devices,and many antivirus programs offer a quick scan feature for externaldevices.

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